Historias gratis

Why does cock look so good on a girl ? P.2
The gorgeous little honey I considered "The Perfect Woman" having every feature I find most desirable, pulls out a cock!!!!! WTF???? I was agitated as hell with almost having my orgasm ruined. My only consolation was that it was quite the contrary, it was awesome and by the time she showed her cock... Lea la historia completa
Forbidden Thoughts
My penis is pocket size when soft approximately 3”. On occasion it’s an inch shorter. I very much enjoy my cock when it is soft. Im 5-5.5 inches hard, which is considered average. In my mind Im small when hard but that’s how I want it. If I had the chance I would use a penis pump to lenghten my... Lea la historia completa
My sex education from my hot aunt
My story was inspired by a recent discovery of a clip of Miriam Rivera. Since see the remarkable resemblance to my aunt I am constantly jerking off fantasizing about it. Let start with the true part of the unique experience going through puberty relating to my aunt and the latter part is fantasy I ... Lea la historia completa
My sex education from my hot aunt pt. 2
My aunt was just enjoying the newfound freedom from the oppressive control over every aspect of being a woman. Everyone thought she was a slut because she was too sexy looking in anything she wore. I got to see my first set of titties in full glory from walking into the bathroom when she was in the... Lea la historia completa
My sex education from my hot aunt pt 3
We became very close by the conversations that were shaping my adult development and boosted my maturity. The truthfulness about things that are unspoken and can confuse you. I noticed comments from the boys my age that were assumed due to what they heard. She set the standard for the physical attri... Lea la historia completa