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Сd Shazza my life as a crossdresser (chapter 2 of many)

see thru dressing gown, he told me to get undressed and he would help me dress up he was so horny by now his cock was sticking out of the front of his robe , I wanted to grab his cock there and then but I would wait until we had seen the film and I was completely dressed, he opened the door to the wardrobe and there was a full length mirror he told me to stand in front of it he picked up the waspie and stood behind me he passed it round the front of me and clipped it up at the back it was quite tight but it sent shivers of excitement down my spine as I looked in the mirror then he gave me the bra told me to put my arms in the straps and he did it up at the back then he put some rolled up pairs of knickers in the cups it looked so good just like I had real tits all the time I can feel his cock rubbing against my bum he was rock hard and his knob was wet and sticky with precum, I went and sat on the bed to put my stockings on and he gave me a pair of gloves to put on he told me they were hosiery gloves they would stop me catching my nails and getting ladders in the stockings , I was by now so fucking horny I was ready for anything ,I clipped the front suspenders on and he did the back and his cock was standing up against the crack in my bum then I put the shoes on it was difficult to stand because the heels were much higher than I had worn before he said iam sure tou will get used to them if you wear them enough and he had a big smile on his face which made me smile and I said I am sure I will, I put the robe on and sort of walked over to the mirror and oh god did I look good I would have fucked myself if I could have, I so much wanted to have a wank in front of the mirror but he said I had better put some Knicks on and we have a film to watch he gave me a pair of black silky French Knicks I had a bit of trouble getting them on over the heels they completed my outfit and I just loved it the look and smell of a woman, we went into the front room with me holding on to the

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