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An Eyeful

“Mom you don’t understand and I can’t talk about it, but trust me it’s something that can’t be helped,” Erica explained to her mother.

“Honey you’re not being very understanding.”

Erica just rolled her eyes and pulled the phone away from her ear. Her mom had no idea what was really happening. She thought her marriage was breaking up over something trivial when in reality it was over the fact that her husband preferred to sleep with other women if you could call them that.

“Ok mom, I will try to talk to him and work this thing out,” she answered.

Once they hung up she was relieved. Her mom, Mrs. Conservative, would never understand what she was going through. She wasn’t sure herself. Erica knew she should be hurt and disgusted but more than anything she felt relieved like she had been given another chance. She always wondered why her husband didn’t want to sleep with her. It had gotten to the point that they were sleeping in different rooms; they really had turned into roommates. If only he had been man enough to tell her that he preferred chicks with dicks, they could have gone their separate ways a long time ago. That’s why she was really mad.

In reality Erica had only gotten married to get out of her parents’ house. She didn’t love Jim, not at first, maybe she never did. She felt affection for him but mainly she felt lust. After a couple of years of his constant excuses for not sleeping with her, she had given up and started living her own life. She knew he was sleeping around, just like he knew that she was sleeping around. It was a silent understanding that worked for them.

Erica wondered if it was other women he was sleeping with, since for the longest time she assumed he was gay. Even though he never acted gay. He would often comment on other women. Erica was very attractive and never had a problem landing a man so why would he sleep with other women and not her, unless her suspicions were true and he wanted to be with men. Something about him wasn’t right. She just couldn’t figure it out. It wasn’t until she came home early from a weekend trip with one of her “friends” that she found out the truth.

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