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An Odd Encounter

I met her on one of those dating sites. Well, when I say dating site I mean one of the many that caters to people looking for random hookups. I don't know exactly what I was looking for at the time. I guess it was just that it had been a while and I was looking for some fun, but she was hot, so it didn't take long for her to convince me to come spend the night at her place.

I arrived a few hours later, nervous, unsure on exactly how everything was going to unfold. At the same time I was incredibly turned on, this wasn't the kind of thing that I usually did!

She answered the door and for a moment I was taken aback. She was every bit as attractive as in her photo. Blond hair down to her shoulders, pale blue eyes with and odd piercing quality, she was short, and yet still somehow slender and curvy at the same time. Just as beautiful, only now I could see her graceful movements rather than just a static picture and I could see her curves jiggle slightly with her movements.

I reflected for a moment that I was out of my league here and wondered how I was going to go through with this without a disappointingly swift ending.

We had a few drinks, and began to talk. A little general chit chat that quickly turned to bedroom topics. She noticed that I was nervous, I wasn't quite sure how to respond. She reassured me before I could think of anything, telling me it was a turn on for her.

She asked me to just relax, and go with the evening and promised if I did that it would be the best sex I'd ever had. She looked directly at me with those piercing blue eyes and asked if I would do whatever she asked. I told her I would.

She led me by the had to the bathroom and stripped me naked. By this point I had a raging erection. She frowned and told me that it was too soon for me to be that aroused, so she put me in the shower and ran the cold water. After what felt like a freezing eternity she added some hot water and stepped into the shower with me.

I realized then that at some point while the water had been cold she had undressed. I drank in the sight of her luscious curves and moved close to her, intending to kiss her. She drew her head back, smiled and said it wasn't time yet, that first she wanted me smooth.

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