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Becoming Her Bitch Chapter 2

I can feel the toe of her high heels sliding under my balls. I'm on all fours positioned right over it. The big black cock is lubed up and pressing against my back door. I try to relax. I try to let it in without clenching up. It'll hurt if I clench before he's in all the way.

"Don't worry about being careful," Mistress tells the cock. "She loves it rough."

He. She. It. I'm not sure what I am anymore.

Big hands wad my pigtails up into reins. My head is pulled back and I let out a slow exhale. The big cock rams into me in one fluid motion. My back comes up from it's arch as the pain shoots through me. Mistress gives me a small kick in the testicles with her foot. It's nothing compared to what is coming when the cock starts cumming.

I think back to our first night out. She had on her big flat silk hat and sunglasses. She was even smoking that night. A ridiculously small cigarette stuffed into a long black holder. It was her movie. And I was merely a prop.

She had led me in with a leash around my cock. The chain trailed up and under the front of the dress. I was getting better at walking in heels by that point but I still teetered around like a drunken prom date.

We took a booth in the back. There weren't many people there. A couple of guys at the bar, a creature of indeterminate sex behind the bar. A fat man in a bad suit had turned around to watch us come in. I saw Mistress wave at him as our drinks arrived.

I gulped mine down as she motioned him over.

He was repulsive. In every way. And obviously drunk.

He thudded down in the booth next to me, his hand immediately shooting up my dress to caress my stocking covered thigh.

"Hiya," he said to Mistress. "I'm Larry."

"Hello Larry," Mistress replied. She was at her condescending, hateful best. Larry was too fucking stupid to notice.

"Tryin to get one of these fags to give me head," Larry announced.

Mistress smiled and held up the leash. She gave it a small yank, "Get busy," she said without looking at me.

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