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Bike Shed Rendezvous

Chapter 2 Walk like a girl

Becky's delighted.

'Well done,' she says. 'They didn't suspect a thing. I always knew inside you, there's a girl just dying to get out.' She links arms and leads you across the playground.

'Where are you taking me?' you ask cautiously. 'Someone's bound to recognise me.'

'Nonsense, darling you look like any other eighteen year old College girl here. No, I take that back you look better than the others. Can't you feel all the envy from the girls and the "come on" glances from the boys? Take a look around.'

You shyly look up from the floor as you weave in-between the other students. She's right you're causing quite a commotion. Envy is weird, it's like a lasso that can shoot out of your body. It can circle another person who has something you want and as you walk with Becky you feel a thousand lassos wrapping tightly round your new feminised body.

Do you swing those hips, toss that shiny hair and flaunt your front with pride or do you hunch your shoulders, bow your head and pray for the ground to swallow you up.

Becky gives you a squeeze 'Just look at everyone. You're a school yard star, yeah!'

She's right. Every pair of eyes fall on you. You're as pleased as punch, you skip along with a spring in your step.

As you weave your merry way through the throng of students, laughing and discussing life you hold tightly Becky's beautifully soft hand. You're in a whirl of excitement. Everything that you've experienced so far; the bra, the gym-slip, the lipstick, the admiring looks from other girls, the lecherous stares from the boys, and most of all, Becky's panties - had been so thrilling that you begin to wonder whether there could possibly be any more thrill's left. Where were you going now? What were you going to see? And what in the world was going to happen next?

'Isn't this marvelous?' Says Becky, playing to the gawping onlookers. 'We're so popular. The boys just love us and look at you my pretty, you're dressed as a fashionable College girl and walking amongst the other lads and girls totally unnoticed.'

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