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Business and Pleasure: Seduced CD Pt. 1

It was a late dinner with clients in Zurich and I had been traveling all nigh on the redeye. By the time we got to the after dinner drinks, my head was swimming and my Ferragamo tie was loose. It was that dizzy jetlag and booze high where everything feels right as long as it's moving along. My clients were all well-heeled bankers and I sat in the middle of a large banquette able to survey the whole room. At one point a very distinguished gentleman at a tale near us who was with his knockout wife looked up at me. I assumed he was mad at us for being loud, so I smiled, expecting him to get angry. Instead a completely charmed look came across his face. He came to our table and introduced himself as Klaus -- he had a perfect tan and chiseled features at about 40. He had a lovely weather to his face and a big frame -- a commanding presence. He immediately made friends at the table and scooted in to sit next to me. His wife had excused herself to the restroom. Amid introductions and a passing joke that had the table laughing I felt his strong hand press against my tummy through my shirt as he leaned close to my ear. The touch seemed normal, if a little intimate, but what he said immediately unleashed butterflies in my stomach and down through my toes: "You look delicious. Fuck this, meet me in the restroom in 5 minutes. If I have made a mistake, please, please forgive me. Take it as a complement." I immediately had a decision to make. Had I been flirting with him across the room? Had I asked for this?

I decided that I would go with it -- so far it was completely innocent. The immediate thickening of my cock told me I wanted to see where his flirting might go. It's as if he knew where I was most vulnerable, placing his hand on my belly, as if he knew how good his cologne smelled to me and that I would be tempted. He got up and then casually 5 minutes later I followed. As I stepped in the bathroom, he immediately kissed me, deeply, his boozy tongue roughly in my mouth. I had never been french kissed by a man before and I saw stars--everything seemed to be in another world due to the drinking and jetlag...

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