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Ellen's Candy

She was into astrological signs as well and said we were a good match, I am a Sagittarius and she is a Leo. I do not know much about astrology except for the occasional times I read my horoscope in the Sunday paper. She liked my open mindedness and blunt ways of expression, I always speak my mind. We seemed to click well up to that point, I hoped it would last long enough for some hot times.

She lived on the upper west side of Manhattan; on 75th street between Amsterdam and Columbus Avenues. I told her that I was pretty familiar with the area. She liked my phone personality, as I like to call it and was interested in meeting up. We decided on meeting up for brunch at a soul food restaurant a few blocks from her house. I had to admit to her that although I’ve had enjoyed plenty nights of sex with many transsexuals in the past I had never been out in public with any of them. She assured me not to worry, that she was extremely passable, that many times she had to actually show her dick to a guy before he truly believed that she was not an actual woman. I decided to go for it. What did I have to lose?

We met at the restaurant at 2 pm. I had on some blue jeans a casual button up shirt, and shoes. I had wanted to make a nice impression without going overboard. Even though I didn’t think it would be needed, being that I had already made a nice one on the phone. I was very apprehensive about meeting Candy in public but I figured that I would blow her off (no pun intended) if I didn’t find her attractive and find something or someone else to do.

When I walked in I told the host I was meeting someone for brunch and she escorted me to Candy’s table. Sitting at the chair drinking a Mimosa was one of the most beautiful transsexuals I had ever seen in my life, including books, movies, and magazines. Her smile was radiant, her lips were perfect, and her skin was flawless, with very little makeup. She was wearing tight black slacks and a loose yellow blouse that still managed to show off her small cleavage, high healed shoes and elegant jewelry. I would have never in my life made her out to be a transsexual; I was overly pleased and anxious to get her back to her place. She stood up and hugged me when I approached the table; she also gave me a small peck on the lips. I wanted to run my tongue down her throat.

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