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faggot hole dreams

Dream 1

The topic of crossdressing and trannies and sissies has been of interest to me for a long time.
And on the side that most boys aren't interested in.
I didn't want to fuck - I wanted to be fucked.
Of all the sites out there, this was the one I settled on.
I took a couple of pictures of my clitoris-they were no success, but I was extraordinarily turned on by the thought of someone looking at me and laughing at how pathetic I was.
That was enough for me at that point in my life, but soon I wanted more.
I wanted humiliation.
Before I knew it, I had made several videos for different men.
Oh yes, by that time I already knew how to cum like a girl, from the ass, and from fucking the urethra I had already learned how to enjoy it.
But I made a mistake...I thought I could be normal, regular, like other boys...
I tried to get those thoughts out of my head. Even got a girlfriend, but it turned out that my small and soft was not capable of satisfying her. All I had to do was a couple of thrusts and my seed spurted out of my dick.
And I was getting more and more turned on when my girlfriend was biting my nipples or slapping my ass, not from touching my dick.
So she dumped me and I came back to this site.
I sent out friend requests to all the men I saw, getting nothing back, until one day He responded.
He told me to call him Daddy.
Daddy was very rude and bossy, and soon I invited him over.
Right in the hallway, Daddy pulled out his cock and I started sucking his sweat-smelling cock, but I was too inexperienced and Daddy took matters into his own hands. He just fucked me in the throat, ignoring my objections that I was suffocating.
Daddy warned me that he was cumming.
He cummed in my mouth, letting me taste his salty seed.
- Dick has to be earned. - Daddy told me. - It was a down payment, you faggot-hole.
Daddy told me to put the cage on my dick and give him the key to it.
- It's a good place for your clitoris. - Daddy grinned. - You can't suck, at least show me that you can cum like faggot holes are supposed to cum, otherwise I'll be very disappointed in you.

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