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Film At Eleven

I'm a shemale. I'm also an exhibitionist. And a news hound. These interests, as I've learned, don't always go together--or maybe they do. Let me explain.

Since becoming a woman in every detail but my genitals (which remain, as they always shall, defiantly masculine), I've delighted in "accidentally" exposing myself to men and women alike. It's much easier for a shemale to expose herself than it is for a guy, because society tolerates a great deal more display of feminine charms than it does of their male counterparts. Sure, men can show all but their cocks, balls, and asses and while, technically, women (and shemales) are also prohibited from displaying their genitals and buttocks in public, most men and women respond to a glimpse of either with a wink and a nod, so to speak, if not a blind eye.

Like a lot of genetic girls, I started by going braless. I especially like to do so during the summer months, when I can get a little too close to the spray of a fountain or a sprinkler. I wear a flimsy, white cotton top, and the cold water makes my nipples stiffen and swell so that, as "pokies," they are quite noticeable to anyone who happens to be within twenty feet of them. The men always notice; the women frequently do. I love the lingering looks, the open stares, and the way that men sometimes unconsciously lick their lips. I even enjoy the disapproving scowls of old ladies with faces (and, no doubt, tits) like dried-up prunes. In the winter, of course, there's no need for a fountain, sprinkler, or other water-delivery system.
The cold alone is enough to make my nipples erect. Of course, since I seldom wear a coat and have nothing to cover my bosom but a thin silk blouse, it's not just my breasts that are cold. Still, it's worth a little discomfort to see the widened eyes, the dropping jaws, and the sometimes-furrowed brows of my audience. Hopefully, I give men something to masturbate to and encourage young women to go braless like me. In the old days, going braless might have been about equality; now, it's just about sex--well, sex and power.

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