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First time with big surprise

She spit on her cock and rubbed it. After that, she took it and started playing around with my ass. It turned me on extremely and suddenly she put her cock and pushed it into my asshole. It hurt, "relax baby" and pushed it in further. She kept going out and then further in. The early pain passed and I started to enjoy it. Gaby fucked gently, bending over me and kissing me over and over. I felt her hard, hot cock pushing further and further into me. She kissed me again, straightened up and started to get harder and faster. Gaby looked me deep in the eyes and moaned loudly again and again when she pushed. The whole thing made me so horny that my cock became harder and harder. "Oh yes, baby, I'm about to come" Gaby moaned loudly and became harder and faster. I felt her cock pulsing inside me, she stopped moaning loudly again and I felt her cock explode inside me. The feeling was so overwhelming that I could no longer hold back. Out of my cock splashed a fountain over my belly. Gaby slowly pulled her cock out of my ass and dropped down next to me. With two fingers she wiped up the cum on my belly and put her fingers in her mouth. "Now you've earned it, my darling," she kissed me and I felt some more of her cock dripping onto my leg.

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