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Heather in Leather

Dan walked into his video rental store and headed to the back section. As he moved past the curtain, he saw a good looking woman was also looking for some porn. It wasn't very often that he saw females in here, and he felt slightly uncomfortable.

Starting on the opposite end of the XXX video shelves, Dan sifted through the hundreds of titles. He looked for new releases, something featuring hot chicks in cool clothes. He tried to remember which movies he had already seen, to avoid the frustration of the re-rent.

Eventually, he worked his way down the aisles, and stood in front of one of is favorites, Evil Angel's stuff. As he was reviewing the back of one box, the woman moved closer, checking out the same section.

The unspoken code of porn rental etiquette, was similar to that of a public restroom, you only look at your own stuff.

Still, it was a hard code to keep to. People are naturally curious about that which turns someone else on. Dan picked out something new by Joey Silvera, part of the Big-Ass Shemale series. This fetish was something that Dan was recently turned on by.

"That's a really good video," the woman next to him said.

Dan looked over, embarrassed that someone else knew that he was turned on by Shemales. "Oh yeah?" was all could respond with.

"The entire series is pretty cool," she said.

Dan noticed she had another video in the series in her hand. What are the odds of that? Dan thought. It seemed odd to see a woman interested in this kind of movie.

She was very attractive. Tall, with long black hair, her tan skin and features made her look Brazilian. She wore blue jeans and a black sweater, but they could not hide her athletic, curvaceous body. When she was looking at the shelf, Dan took a quick look at her large breasts, and round ass.

"Do you see anything you like?" she asked.

He thought she was talking about the movie selections, but then realized she had caught him checking her out. He flushed, embarrassed. "I'm sorry."

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