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Highway in Heels

Usually, once I showed my panties the trucker would honk, and then I would take off ready to flash the next one. A number of times I would lean over and wave if I found them cute. I would drive next to several trucks and flash most of them. As long as they were paying attention they got an eyeful of my glistening legs and silky panties. The crazy thing is that it made me so excited, I loved showing off to these men.

I remember I was next to a truck driven by an older man who waved to me with his hat. I always imagined they were talking about the hot blonde in the blue van with incredible legs on their CBs. I slowed down and hovered next to him, slowly once again showing off my legs and panties. I would run my fingers up and down my thigh as I drove, inching closer to my panties. Once he honked his appreciation I just sped up ahead looking for my next flirting victim.

It was then I heard a bang, shit my tire popped. The van started to veer left, and I had to get off the highway. I was in the middle lane and slowly made my way to an on-ramp of a weigh station. I didn't get too far off the highway. I pulled over to the side cursing that I was going to have to change clothes before I fixed a flat tire. I was so worked up flirting with the men that I had to rest on my couch for a bit. Just as I was about to change there was a knock on the back window. And then I saw a man sidle up to the open passenger side window.

"Hi, Miss. Are you okay?" To say I was startled is so misleading, I was suddenly frightened. I could barely talk.

"Yes," I said in my female voice I have been practicing forever. Never planned on actually using it. "Do you need some help?" I heard him ask. It was then that I knew I had to get out.

I took a deep breath, did a quick check, in my mirror, and opened the sliding side door. He stood right in front of it with a huge smile on his face. It was the trucker with the hat, the older man that I just left. "I see you have a flat, baby girl, come on let me help you with it."

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