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Kelly's First Encounter With Alessia

I jumped nervously with a start, as the doorbell rang. It was Alessia – I had been waiting for her all morning, and was gradually getting more nervous as time passed. This was to be our first encounter, and I’d been looking forward to it all week.

Opening the door, I saw that she was taller than I expected. She looked stunning, perfectly made up with bright, glossy, red lipstick, matching red high-heeled shoes, and a very short, figure-hugging, red velvet dress. She had a fur coat draped over her arm. Her long blonde hair seemed to glint, as it caught the sunlight. She smiled at me sexily, and I hurriedly invited her in.

I took her coat and motioned to the settee. She walked over, and I couldn’t help noticing the feminine sway of her hips as she walked, and I caught a waft of some exotic perfume as she passed by. She sat down, gracefully stretching out her long, tanned, bare legs, as I left to make us some coffee. I was feeling nervous but excited. We chatted for a while over the coffee and she soon made me feel more comfortable, and at ease. Alessia’s calm, supremely confident air, seemed to permeate the room and relieve the tension.

After we chatted for a few minutes, she drained her coffee and then calmly and elegantly rose from the settee. She stood up and moved to stand directly in front of me, while I remained sitting on the sofa. She looked me straight in the eyes, and ordered me onto my knees. I felt powerless to resist her command, and fell to my knees in front of her as if at prayer—which in a manner, I was!
She spoke softly to me and her hands caressed the back of my head. I was paralysed and unable to move. I could see a large bulge forming under her dress, as she gripped my head firmly and pulled me toward it. Alessia drew my head into her, as the bulge grew and grew, and I could feel the hardness, as she ground my head onto it. She pushed from her slender hips, as I struggled feebly to pull away, but she was too strong. I was then released briefly, as she slipped off her dress and let it fall to the floor, flicking it to one side with her foot.

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