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Ladies who Lunch - At the Gloryhole

We had an audience as we left the gray room. It seems everyone wanted to know the 'women' who entered their lives today, what they looked like and smelled like. We washed in the dirty ladies' room and then I picked out a blue wig and a couple of novelties. I was hoping they had a mug for Trudi that said; 'Someone Went to the Gloryhole and all I got was this Lousy Mug.' They didn't, but they said they would put in an order for some. It would be a good excuse to come again.

"Ladies, can we come again?"

"We'll see."


It was late, we completely missed the zoo but we did catch a little bit of the Home Decor show. Sarah even picked up her curtain rods. It was quite nice, we flirted with all the men, we nodded to all the women, we purposely fixed our pantyhose in the middle of the aisle, we purposely redid our lips leaning on the tables. Today, I feel something inside us had changed, something was different, we had a little bit of sunshine in our smiles, our eyes. A couple of gentlemen even bought us soft drinks, they invited us out to dinner. Brenda invited them to her house one night instead, it would be quiet, she would use her grill again, maybe even make some steaks.

"Brenda, I can't believe you accepted a date with a man while I'm standing right next to you. I was holding your hand"

She shrugged, "I had you arrested before, I can do it again. Don't tempt me." She had her finger on his chest.

Ade shrugged, it was fine, he was going home with her tonight anyway, he was taking home a beautiful 'woman.' Wait until he learns that next week I was planning on taking the ladies to a 'speed dating cocktail party.' After that, who knows, maybe I will let them convince me to go to another one of those Historical Museums.

We'll see.


The End


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