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Lady In The House Ch. 12

As Angie walked past the doorway Danny struck. He dragged her into the darkened stoop with one hand over her mouth to prevent a scream while the other held the slim stiletto knife against her throat.

"Don't say a word! Don't struggle! Don't do anything at all Angie; just listen," Danny hissed into her ear.

He breathed in her heady perfume, 'Poison,' and licked her neck right up to her ear. His cock thickened and was now very uncomfortable, trapped inside his jeans.

Angie couldn't believe what was happening to her, she was stunned and confused; how did this man know her name?

Steve pulled Angie back further, hard up against him, his groin nestled against her buttocks, and Angie felt the heat from his crotch through the fabric of her skirt and slip. From the bulge in her assailant's pants and the slick spit she felt drying on her neck, Angie knew this was not going to end well for her.

"Just listen to what I have to say; I'm going to release your mouth, but if you make one sound I'm going to cut you. Do you understand? Just nod yes or no," Danny whispered.

Angie nodded, being careful not to press too hard against the knife held at her throat.

"Your name is Angie, you have a brother named Mike doing two yards of hard time in Chelmsford Prison, you have a fourteen-year-old daughter, and this is where you live," Danny hissed.

He freed his hand from Angie's mouth and pulled out a Polaroid picture of her house and held it up before her face.

Angie gasped and Danny pulled the knife close against her neck and then eased it away a few millimetres so that she could nod, which she did.

"Your brother Mike never told you this I'll bet, or maybe he did; it doesn't matter, but this is what he does in Chelmsford to keep my boss from getting me to do unspeakable things to you and your daughter."

Now Danny pulled his cell-phone from his pocket and flipped it open. He punched the buttons until he had a close-up picture of Michele sucking Steve's cock on the screen. He held the cell-phone in front of Angie's eyes and progressed through the pictures that Carmel had taken of Michele fellating Steve. He watched over Angie's shoulder gaining sick satisfaction as she gasped and whined at each of the pictures.

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