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Letter To Max, My Online Friend

You remember that time I'd landed in LA and found my way to your house? Ha! The look on your face. I wasn't sure at first if you'd be angry with me, which would have been understandable, given that I'd sprung out your PC and onto your front garden. It was worth though wasn't it, lovely Max?

I was too busy taking you in to realise how you were fussing over my suitcase and shepherding me through your front door, baffling me with a torrent of questions that I just waved away with a laugh.

"Max! Calm down! It is me, yes, I'm just here overnight, if that's alright? Don't panic. You know what though, I could really use a glass of water and your loo. In fact the loo first, y'know your bathroom?" People's bathrooms say so much about someone and since I've now seen it, there's no need say anymore!

I was hot and tired from so much travel, but excited to finally meet you. We sat outside in the late afternoon sun with our cold drinks and began to size each other up in the flesh. It was funny to hear your accent and our conversation stumbled occasionally at our nuances of language, but I could see the person I had shared so much with online: Max is too strong a persona to hide huh?

I was touched that you seemed nervous still: perhaps I was emboldened by that? Once we had caught up with immediate news and we turned to thoughts of dinner, I followed you inside to the kitchen. You were keen to go out but I was bushed and my feet were sore, so I was relieved to hear you offer to cook something at home. I started to stalk you round the kitchen as you put things out on the counter top until I caught you by the refridgerator. I watched as you concentrated on finding peppers how the glow from its open door cast a different light on your face as you spoke. Your words trailed to a halt as you swung the door closed, my eyes fixed on yours. I took half a step toward you as you set the things down and turned back me. I put my hand out to touch your arm and you took things from there: slipping your arm round my waist and pulling me in to press against you. That kiss... The kiss, which started small and went long. The kiss that let me wrap my arms up round your neck, as you hands flattened on my back, then slid to my ass! The kiss where I felt you rising hard against my tummy and my breath caught in my throat with a whimper.

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