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Medicine of Magic

“I can’t believe that you don’t like women, my woman said to me. I had just kissed her passionately and slid my hands to cup her firm buttocks, my lips now moving across her throat. I murmured against the sweetness of her neck,

“I didn’t say that I don’t like women, I think what I said is, I don’t always like being a man around women. I feel somehow cut off from a matter how much I like her.make love to you, you know. I think I want to be a woman, so I can be really intimate with other women and feel what they feel.”

“Would you really go through what we women have to, then?”

“You, birth trauma, things like that?”

“Yes, and the cramps, the. frustration. sometimes.when a lover doesn’t make one feel good during or know?”

“No.I don’t know, and I want to.I’m pretty sure.”

“We-ell, if you can make up your mind to it.”

“Why? Do you know how I could.become a woman?”

“Like you.I think it’s possible. Must be. But.if there were a way to change your’d have to be definitely committed .and willing to spend a good deal of guarantee the doctor’s fees and costs.and sign a paper that you would never sue the doctor or anyone connected with the.change.”

“Then you do know someone who can change me?”

“Whoa! I said if. That little word means a lot Until someone is more definite about the change being what he.truly wants.then who would commit themselves? If a man were to want such a change, if there were a doctor who’d perform the series of operations.if the man had plenty of money and could do those other things.pure speculation, you know.”

“Y’know, said I, my fingers slowly working deep inside her sopping quim, I might even be able to stop at being a. a chick with a dick, I think they’re called.”

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