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My suit fantasy fulfilled

I've always had a thing for a man in a suit, a really smart suit. Maybe it's a secretary fantasy or something, but I just think every man looks sexy in a suit. So it was with great delight that upon making contact with a guy on Grindr a few weeks back, is profile pic showed him in a suit.

While the pic had no face showing, the suit was lovely, and after a bit of chatting, he sent me the full version, showing his handsome face and a sexy smile. I immediately started to imagine meeting him in his suit, and slowly undressing him during a night of passion.

We spent a whole day messaging each other. With my partner away, I was free to chat to him all day, and by the time night came around, we were sending each other audio messages, too. My last one to him was the sound of me kissing, a soft moan, and a goodnight.

It was a struggle to sleep as I fantasized more about him an I together. So, when the sun was up the next day, I felt compelled to pop the question.

"Do you wanna hook-up?" I asked. And to my delight, he said yes.

"Will you wear a suit for me?" I inquired.

"Of course I will, babe," he messaged back, and from that moment on, the butterflies began to flutter inside me.

We decided to meet on neutral ground — a reasonably-priced Meriton apartment in Sydney. I'd arrive first to glam up and prepare, and he'd join me when I was ready for him.

I spent the entire day so excited about what was to come, making my body smoother than ever, and packing a suitcase full of girly things to thrill my new man with. By early evening, it was time to move to the apartment, so I jumped in the car, bought some wine, and made my way there.

He'd arranged the check-in and left me a key in a discreet location, so it was easy for me to get up to the apartment unnoticed. Once inside, I opened my case, took my make-up kit to the bathroom, and began my transformation.

I wanted to look extra sultry for this meet. I had a new dress, new lingerie, and I took a little extra time on my make-up so it was absolutely perfect - smoky eyes, perfect foundation and of course, full, glossy and lush lips. I wanted to impress him from the moment he walked into the apartment.

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