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My trip to Mistress Cindy’s House – Pa

Cindy and I had worked together for years. We had been peers for several years and became good friends, then I became Her manager. Our friendship continued but many coworkers were certain we were having an affair. We weren’t having an affair, but ate lunch together nearly every day and shared the most intimate parts of our lives with each other. She was and still is my best friend and the only one I have ever felt comfortable sharing every detail of my life with. One day we happened to be talking about role playing and I told Her I had always fantasized about Her being Dominant and making me obey Her. She laughed initially but after more discussion decided to give it a try.

She never could get past the fact that I had once been Her manager, so She always used please and thank you and didn’t really do much in the way of Dominating me. I did some chores around Her house but that was about it. Eventually She got a job in another state and moved. We continue to keep in contact with daily text messages and an occasional phone call. She still enjoys teasing me and getting me excited. I get completely distracted when She even hints at something sexual. She has always been a bit of a tease. I did play online with a Dominant Woman for a while and Cindy new about it. They had been secretly exchanging emails so they both knew what I was doing with the other. Eventually Cindy grew tired of the email exchanges and stopped communicating with her. Cindy and I continue to flirt and tease a bit but I honestly never thought She would make good on Her claim that She liked to be in charge and was normally Dominant with men.

One day in early May, i received a call from Cindy telling me that She wanted me to take a Thursday and Friday off of work in the following month to come visit Her. She informed me that Her friend Norma was driving down to visit Her and She wanted me to ride along with Norma. Cindy explained that this was not a request, it was a command. I hesitated a bit and Cindy asked, ‘you keep telling me you want me to order you around, so what is the problem?’ I asked Cindy what I should tell my wife and She said to make something up.

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