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My Window Cleaner

My wife had gone away for a few days, so I decided to indulge in a
favourite pastime, which I don't often get chance to do.
First I took a long hot bath, and shaved very carefully, removing all my
body hair, including my pubes and anal hair.
I towelled myself dry, and began to dress.
I'd been out earlier in the day, and treated myself to some really nice
lingerie, pretty silk stuff, french knickers, matching suspender belt,
and some really lovely fully fashioned nylons, with wide tops trimmed in
gorgeous black lace.

I trembled as I drew them up my newly shaven legs, pulling them right up
until they nestled in my crotch, where my balls could rub against them.
Next I put on my new suspender belt, with 3 straps to each stocking,
fastening them carefully so as not to snag them.
I looked at myself in the full-length mirror on the wardrobe door,
admiring how the lovely black silk framed my throbbing cock and balls.
Next I slipped into my gorgeous black silk french knickers, sliding the
wide lace-trimmed legs up until my cock was enfolded in the swishy silk.
Now my bra; 38C Playtex living bra that cupped my man-boobs perfectly, it
was a joy to slide the straps up over my shoulders, wriggling about until
I got a perfect fit.

Over the top went a knee-length satin slip, which felt gorgeous as it
swished against my silky lingerie underneath.
My hair is quite long, so I just pulled it into a pony-tail. My ears are
pierced, and I'd picked up a pair of real tarty ear-rings from a
junkshop. I loved the way they dangled, almost brushing the bra-straps on
my shoulders as they swung to and fro.

Now a touch of make-up, not a lot, just a little mascara and lipstick,
nice bright red with lip-gloss. I really love that stuff !
I went downstairs, slipped a trannie movie into the DVD player, and
poured myself a good shot of whiskey.
I settled down on the sofa, and prepared to enjoy my film.
I must have nodded off, because the next thing I remember was the clatter
of the door-bell.

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