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New Girl Chapter 2

Olivia's hands shook as she read the note, a look of stunned disbelief on her face. She had to hold on to the bar for fear of falling over. The note shook her to her core.

'Olivia, Tim agreed to leave with me. I am in the process of moving. Please come to my new address in two months time, at 7 p.m. 4744 Patrick Road. No point coming to this address until the two months has passed. I will only move to my new home in two months time. See you then!'

Olivia was in a rage. Should she call the police? But the note said Tim left voluntarily with Brian. And the police would laugh their asses off if she filed a missing person's report. 'Missing, young male in his twenties, last seen dressed as a French maid...' No, despite her desire to go to the cops, she would wait two months.....

4744 Patrick Road: Two months later, 7 P.M:

'Ring...ring...ring,,,,' The doorbell rang several times until a male voice barked out.

'Maid, can't you hear the damn doorbell? Honestly, you're a hopeless maid, Jess' Go and see who it is, at once!' Brian told his cute new maid, Jessica.

Jessica teetered over to the door, an expert in her five inch heels now. Olivia glanced at the maid, then asked to come in.

'Is Brian here? He left me this address a few months ago.' Olivia asked the pretty maid.

'Brian? Oh, you mean Master! Sorry Miss, come on in! I will go get him!'

Olivia watched the stereotypical French maid mince over the hardwood floor as she went to fetch her master. The skinny bimbo was wearing a pink satin maid uniform, with white stockings and petticoats peeking out of the hem of her dress, which barely went half way down her long and lean legs. Her long blonde hair was done up in a tight bun, and a white maids's cap was perched on her blonde head.

A few moments later, the bimbo maid returned with a clack of heels on the floor. Pink heels, at least five inches! 'Miss...may I present Master...'

Olivia let loose with a string of profanities. Then she demanded that Brian tell her what the hell was going on?! Where was Tim? What was the meaning of that note?'

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