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Something For Everyone Part 2

Josh was the first of the three to wake up. He left the two women in bed and took a long hot shower. The water felt good as it cascaded over his body, and he soon found himself wondering what was going to happen next. The sex had been fantastic, but it wasn't what he had been expecting. He finally decided that it would be best to let things unfold as they would.

It was still early in the evening and Josh was beginning to feel hungry. He slipped downstairs to the kitchen and quickly rummaged through the refrigerator. He eventually placed an order for delivery from a local restaurant. Being Friday night, he knew it would be almost two hours before the food arrived. He retrieved a bottle of wine from the refrigerator and removed the cork.

"That looks good. Can I have a glass?" Came Brida's voice. She had just come down the stairs and was standing in the doorway.

"Sure thing. You two looked pretty comfortable so I let you sleep. I ordered dinner. I hope you like Chinese." Josh said as he reached into a cabinet for another glass. He poured the two glasses and handed one to her.

"I love Chinese and I'm starving." She said with a smile.

"Well, it's going to be about two hours. They are always busy on Friday nights." Josh explained.

"That's alright. Maybe we can find something to keep us occupied until it arrives." Brida said between sips of wine.

Josh smiled. He was curious about her, but didn't exactly know how to bring up the subject. He had a few questions but didn't know how to voice them. Brida was not new to the silence that this situation always brought up.

"It's all right to ask. I'll tell you." She said. She walked closer to him and leaned against a counter.

"Okay. Let's start off with umm…" Josh said before trailing off. He had no idea what to ask.

Brida laughed and took another drink of her wine. "I was born with both sexual organs. A rarity. My parents had to make the decision which gender I would be, and at the time, my male organs were more developed. I was made into a boy. Unfortunately my parents believed that the operation was the end of the issue. I had always been feminine but I began to really develop as a girl when I hit puberty." She explained to a very attentive Josh. "That had to be rough." He said.

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