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The Boy and the Fairy

Local folktales warned of Fairies, but such stories were long ignored or thought of as just a source of amusement. It was after all the twenty first century, mythological creatures were almost entirely forgotten in Dagsdown. But that didn't make them any less real.

Since the age of five, Gregory was often left out in his family's large backyard. They never thought him in any danger because it was surrounded by a large garden and a forest just beyond that. Almost every day, whenever he was alone in the backyard, he would hear her voice calling out to him. She would whisper his name sweetly, tell him stories, or sing him songs to keep him company. As Greg got older, he walks into the garden to meet his magical friend. There he found a tiny young looking woman with large butterfly wings and flowing hair that would change between a pure blonde or a stunning red depending on the wind and temperature. She told him her name was Sofia and he would sometimes whisper her name whenever he was frightened or sad. Her name was like a magical word that made everything better.

She told him never to tell anyone about her even though she became his best friend.

As the years went by Gregory got older, but Sofia still remained a tiny beautiful companion. Sofia however noticed Gregory's changes and waited patiently for him to reach the right age.

"Gregory, do you know how lonely it is to be a fairy?" Sofia asked the innocent boy one day as they sat around a large stone well deep in the garden.

"Um, no Sofia. I had no idea." Gregory answered.

"I love having you as a friend, but you're always going places without me." Sofia said.

"I'm sorry." Gregory began, but was quickly interrupted.

"How would you like to help me make more friends?" Sofia flew over and landed in Gregory's lap.

"How do I do that?" He asked.

"Take off your cloths." Sofia instructed and pulled down his zipper. His pants were off before he could even finish removing his shirt. His underwear seemed to just disappear, but he knew Sofia was magical after all.

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