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The Client

The more I thought about it, the more plausible that sounded. If that was the case, she was damn good at it, had spent a lot of money working herself over, and had practiced being a woman a lot. Moreover, being a lawyer in a very successful firm, she probably had the money to afford the transition. If she was a TS, was she pre-op too? That thought got me hard just thinking about the possibilities. Now I was looking forward to our next meeting this afternoon.

By three I was back in Kristi's office. I laid out what I had seen, went over what I thought she needed, and gave her the estimate. She wanted a few changes, of course, and then we agreed on a price. We also agreed on an upfront amount, how much was to be refunded if the suit was dropped and so on. I made it very clear that my company gathered the samples, got the lab results, took the pictures, and gathered any other evidence we could, but didn't taint, slant, or otherwise fake the results. That was just fine with her. By five that afternoon we had come to an agreement.

"Well, with that out of the way, are you up to another drink with me?" she asked.

"Sure," I agreed quickly, "but you sure had balls taking me to that place yesterday."

"Need 'em for the job," she said with a wicked smile as she picked up her purse. "Are you game for that place or would you care to try another?"

That little comment just about told me everything I needed to know. With a little luck I was going to be in for a great evening. "Since you like the place, I suppose that will do about as well as any. Now, are you up for dinner a little later?" When I took a good hard look at her, I could still see a guy in there somewhere. She was good, really good, but not perfect. Yea, this could just turn out to be one hot night.

"Oh, I always love to eat out."

Again, it was the way she said it - eating out had a very sexual overtone. I loved it!

We walked to that same strange little bar that we had been in yesterday, and there were some of the… well, let's say not exactly "everyday" people that had been in there yesterday, and a few new ones. This time we got a tight little booth in the dimly lit back of that bar that sat two, one on each side of the table.

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