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The game show,

I was congratulated and offered to go over to the other girls. I started straight at Bianca and within 5 mins had her cumming all over my face. I was two down and nobody else had finished.I then moved over to this pale girl she had a nice fat cock and again I went to town on her. As I got to business I heard another couple of guys finish. Rickie was now beside me sucking a nice cock and he looked damn good at it.

He managed to get his girl off within another 5 mins and I wasn't far behind. The last girl now had her cock being sucked and myself and Rickie went to the toher side and took one ball each. As soonas we did this we could feel the girl moaning and before long she came all over the three of us. As we moved away we each gave a high five. Dacid approached again and I could see Ada hadn't cum and neither had another girl. Two men left had now been knocked out. They were told to get there stuff and leave the house.

Ada came over and hugged me. She comended me for thinking on my feet and said Bia doesnt ever cum without anything in her ass. i was worried you'd not work it out when you drew her at first. She then asked me to take her to the room and finish her off. She needed a proper blow job now.

Needless to say I satisfied her and it was down to 4 guys and 10 girls.

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