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The Self-Development Course

As a shemale I had often suffered with confidence problems, especially in the area of my career. I had found that I did not find it easy to present myself well, to put myself forward for opportunities or to get involved with everything fully.

There was no reason really why I should be like that but it just seemed that after lots of bullying as a child, I now preferred to step back out of the limelight a bit and let the world pass me by. I could have had several promotions but the thought of having to work with a new team of people put me off.

No one in my team knows my secret and I feel happy working with them knowing that there is no reason why they will not find out. I therefore decided that doing a course which could help my self-development might be good for me. As a person I am happy but I did slightly regret missing out on opportunities which could have challenged me and made my job more exciting. I therefore booked myself up on a course which I hoped would really help me.

The course came highly recommended from someone who said that it completely changed their whole outlook to life, that they were happier about everything, positive that they would succeed and they had already seen some great changes. I was very keen to find out more and so I booked the weekend course and a few days off work afterwards so that I would have time to put into practise what I had learned.I was really looking forward to the course and saw it as a new way forward for me.

A way to step out of my current situation and in to something more exciting. I think my positive approach to the course and my high expectations really helped it to be even more of a success than I had expected.The beginning of the first session was all about our expectations and how they can influence us and if we have high expectations then we should do better. That we shouldn't be afraid of failure but keep trying at something as we learn from set backs and so they should not be seen as a bad thing. This made me think of some times in my life when I had tried things and failed and instead of seeing it as a learning opportunity I got rather frustrated and upset and this led me into a state of worry and negativity. I was inspired to change my way of thinking and begin to make the most of every opportunity and no longer be afraid. Put the past behind me and move forward positively.

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