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The Slut on the Balcony

A night away from home on business always meant a night of crossdressing and exhibitionism. I loved to get a room with a balcony so I could easily be seen by men walking around the motel grounds. This night I'd dolled in in a black lace corset; heels, hose, and g-string. I slipped on a leopard print short spaghetti strapped dress over; poured some wine and strolled out onto the balcony. My red wig flowed over my shoulders and my make up was just a bit slutty. I put on a choker that spelled out cumslut in rhinestones around my neck. I just knew that I would get lucky this night. Another motel next to mine had a parking lot that my balcony would offer a very good view to. After an hour or so, and most of the bottle of wine, a construction truck pulled into the parking lot. Three guys got out and grabbed their bags and all to head to their rooms. Just when I thought I'd gone unnoticed, one turned toward me as he walked.....he didn't say or do anything, but I was fairly sure I'd been seen. A half hour or so later I saw the same man come back out into the parking lot, having cleaned up and changed into shorts and a t-shirt and was having a smoke and a can of beer. He was indeed looking my way. He watched for a little while and I made sure he got a look at me walking; bending over, etc...doing my best to give a sexy show for him. After 10 minutes or so of this his coworkers joined him in the parking lot and they were leaving...the first guy pointed me out to his friends and they started hooting and hollering "Hey Sexy" and "check out the slut" and then "It's a faggot!" "She's a He" and much laughter. I went back in disappointed. My illusion had failed. They were making fun of me. I closed the balcony door and curtains, then turned on the tv to pass the rest of the evening.
A good two hours later the phone rang in my room. It was the guys from the parking lot. They said they'd been out to eat and drank some beers and had been talking about me the whole time. They asked if I would go back out on the balcony so they could see some more. Then promised not to laugh at me if I would please give them another look see. I gave in of course.

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