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Whore For Two Mexicans

One night I came home from work and saw a old beat up truck from Texas parked in in spot next to my room. As I walk to my room I looked in truck and the back was full of tools and junk, then looking in the cab I could sdee it was a mess with trash everywhere. I thought who ever it belonged to must be slobs. As I got to my room I saw my guess was right as two mexican guys came out of room next to mine and they were a dirty mess. I looked at them and said hi and sort of smiled, they both had sort of nasty grins on there face as they looked at me.

That night I was standing outside having a beer when they came home from a night out. They looked a little cleaner but still not the best dressed guys. They where caring a 12 pack of beer and as they got close to me they ask if i wanted a beer. They didn't speak very good english but they handed me a beer so i took it. After a few mins the taller one went into his room while the other stayed outside drinking and trying to talk with me but i could only understand part of what he was saying. We had another beer then I said I needed to go inside and said goodnight.

As I was cleaning up my phone rang it was one of the guys I was just talking with, He was saying something about beer but again couldn't understand most
of it so I hung up. Soon there was a knock on my door and it was him with beer in his hands, and he wanted to come in. I'm not really sure why but i let him in. I had some music on and started to drink the beer he brought when he started rubbing his cock through his jeans. As I watch him he was saying " blowjob, you suck?". As I watch him rub his cock it was turning me on so I said yes. I was a little worried because I didn't know him and he wasn't the cleanest guy but I did sort of wonder what mexican cock was like. He walk over to my bed and took his pants off and sat on edge of bed.

I then walk over and drop to my knees and took his cock in my mouth. He did not smell very good but once I had his cock in my mouth I couldn't stop. As I sucked him he was talking away but I didn't understand him, probably calling me whore, bitch, sissy or cocksucker all which would have been true. After sucking him awhile he got up and pushed me on the bed as I lie there he reached up and pulled my panties off.

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