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1st Transsexual Affair

"Mind? Of course not...I just...forgot. Its okay." She smiled as he got up naked as a jay bird.

He hesitated by the door, "Gwen...I was thinking. I don't know...umm...should...would you like to have dinner later? I mean...if it's alright..." Feeling flustered like a school boy asking for a date.

"I'd love to...I'd love that Paul!" Kissing his cheek, "Just knock when you get back...when you're ready..."
Hastily he dressed, packed the needed equipment and met his guide by the boat slip. It was a beautiful clear day, the underwater scenery was visually alive with spectacular colors and he had ample time to dwell on Gwen, sexy Gwen. Paul nodded off on the slow voyage back.

Showered, shaved and wearing shorts, a summery Polo shirt and sandals he rapped on the door labeled: 2-D. "C'mon in!" came Gwen's muffled voice. The familiar perfume scent lingered. Gwen was primping in front of the mirror like the fabulous transsexual that she was. Her hair was tied back, "Be right with you...just a sec..." He smiled, amazed with his good fortune.

Gwen took his breath away: her face perfectly made up, sleeveless white silk blouse, no bra, a very short dark blue skirt, crystalline studded earrings and leather sandals.

"You're beautiful." He sincerely whispered.

"Thank you Paul." Blushing.

Arm around her waist, he escorted Gwen towards a table and noticed a few men sizing her up. If they had any idea, if they only knew, he smirked secretly. The bar was loud but far enough away from their candlelit table where they conversed quietly, sipping Chablis, enjoying the prawns and each others' company.

Gwen told him she'd gone swimming in the ocean, wrote a couple of postcards and missed him. Paul loved her frankness.

"We should dance...would you like to?"

"You bet! Let's go..." leading Paul towards the small dance floor. The calypso band picked up the pace playing a quicker reggae sound for the incoming party-goers. Gwen was already swaying to an inner rhythm. Fingers snapping over her head. Bold, feisty t-girl's nipples erect under the silk. Paul felt un-coordinated using the best dance movements he knew but the people weren't watching him anyway. Gwen's sensual figure was magnetic. Masquerading as the perfect couple was exciting.

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