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A Slut Awakens

After lathering up and making sure I was clean I began shaving my body. As I said before I am very small and petite for a boy, I've been told by lots of girls that when women say they have a butt like a twelve year old boy and are meaning it as a compliment they are referring to a bulbous example such as mine.

Others had told me they would die to have my slim waist and smooth hairless body. I had even been accused by one of my girlfriends in high school of taking estrogen pills! If only she could have seen what I was like with estrogen in my system... I can't even begin picture how shocked she would have been! Regardless as I was naturally I was unbelievably feminine and once dressed I had fooled myself into thinking I was really a girl everytime.

Clean and Hairless I stepped from the shower making my way to the vanity and removing the shower cap as I sat in her throne like makeup chair. I look at myself in the mirror marveling at how I had never managed to sprout a single bit of facial hair. It was almost like god himself was mocking me, telling me I may be a man but I would never look like one. I guess he had other plans in mind for me...

I brushed, styled and straightened my hair after putting on my bra and panties. I had learned to instinctively tuck my tiny little penis (more proof towards the sick joke god was playing on me) and balls behind my legs and up into my ass crack, allowing the thong to slide up and provide the little bit of pressure that would be required to hold them in place. I stuffed the bra with a little bit of tissue and slid the shirt over my head making sure it rode a little higher than usual in order to hide the unnatural look of tissue sticking out of my bra.

Half dressed I got to work on my hair, pulling the long black tresses through the heated straightener and down past my shoulders until every last lock was nice and straight. I gave myself a little "white girl poof" for added measure, tucking it into the hairband as I moved on to makeup.

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