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He liked it when he called him Matthew. “I know, believe it or not, I’m usually not this forward, you bring out the bad in me.”

“Oh, it’s my fault?”

“Hell yes, I keep seeing you laying on a bed wearing nothing but a pair of lacy panties or in a baby doll with some thigh high stockings.”

“Listen, I had a day that I will remember for a long time. You showed me a side of myself I didn’t know I had, one I may have been hiding for a long time, I don’t know. I do know you made me feel things I’ve never felt, feelings about a boy and I think the best part is that you made me feel like a girl.”

Matt still had that smile on his face, he really liked Jamie and was glad to see he might have some feelings for him too.

“Do you know what would really make you feel like a girl?” Matt asked.


“If we finish that kiss we almost had earlier.”

“Mm, okay.”

Jamie couldn’t figure out what it was but this young stud who seemed to be able to talk him into anything. Or maybe he really wanted to do it and just needed a little push.

They leaned into each other and pressed their lips together. When Jamie felt Matt’s tongue try to part his lips, he pulled back. This is not how he kissed the girls, there was never tongue involved.

“You really are a virgin, aren’t you?”

“Told you.”

“Don’t worry, I’ll teach you all about it.”

“Who says I want to learn?”

“If you’re going to be my girl . . .”

“Your girl?”

“You know what I mean, my boo, my babe.”

“You’re awful sure of yourself.”

“Yes, yes I am.”

“What happened to that nice quiet boy I met yesterday at your house?”

“Oh, that’s just an act, for the folks, you know?”

Jamie took a good look at Matt, he was now seeing him in a new light. Matt had a bit of a bad boy in him. Jamie found that a bit exciting.

His sister came running across the street, “Hey, Matt, your mom says to come home, it’s dinner time.”

“I better go, what are you doing tomorrow?”

“Maybe mow the lawn.”

“You’ll be home?”

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