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Alexis Season Part 2

Before she could answer, he shouted to his friends "Hey! We're gonna go! See ya later!" and started to pull Alexis along with him.

After a few moments she regained the use of her legs and walked with him.

To both of them, the walk seemed to last forever, and then when it was over it seemed like it took no time at all. They reached John's house, and he led her in. John's parents weren't home from work yet, so they had the house to themselves.

"Do you want that coffee, or do you just want to lay down?" John asked. "You look totally beat."

"No, I can have coffee, it'll be good," Alexis said, not really sure if she meant it.

John started up a pot of coffee, and Alexis sat down at the kitchen table, feeling tired, but wired at the same time. She really had no clue what was going on, and she was kind of nervous.

John was as nervous as she was, but he didn't show it. Instead, he showed total confidence, and acted quite like his normal self. He did show his concern for her, repeatedly asking her how she was feeling, but she just kept saying she was fine, not even noticing how many time he asked her.

Alexis took the coffee when it was ready and sipped it slowly. John was so wired he only drank his to give his hands something to do.

Despite finishing his cup long before Alexis did, John decided not to talk to her while she sipped her cupped. He wasn't sure what to say and didn't want to keep asking her how she was. He poured himself another cup, and finished even that one before she finished her first. Finally he could take it no more, so he took her cup out of her hands and put it on the table. He took her by the hands and led her upstairs to his bedroom. Her senses went on high alert when she realized where he was leading her, but she realized that something was finally going to happen. If they were just going to make out, they would just stay on the couch, maybe start by watching TV and moving on. But John was trouncing on protocol, but Alexis was ok with it.

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