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Pink Champale, Hollywood sat down on the couch, near me, but not too
close. Nervously I took the glass, and slowly took a sip. Talking as
he rolled a joint, he asked, "How long you lived here? "About s-s-six
w-weeks." "Mellow out girl, I ain't gonna hurt you, just wanna get to
know you." "Been dressing up long?" So he knew, "as long as I can
remember" I said, pretty much telling the truth, but still scared to
death, but glad at least I didn't have to awkwardly explain later.
Lighting the joint Hollywood took a couple long drags, then handed it
to me. Daintily I took a small toke, then started coughing, not having
smoked it too often. Handing the joint back, I drank more from the
glass. Passing the joint back to me, I took a couple tokes, not
coughing this time. As we smoked, and talked I started to feel a
little more at ease. Finishing the joint and the Champale at about the
same time, Hollywood brought me another bottle. After filling my glass
Hollywood rolled another joint. As we finished the second joint I
started to feel really fine. Hollywood moved a little closer, and put
his arm around me. I snuggled up to him and sipped my glass. Running
his fingers through my hair, he said "I really like you Crissy, you're
really a pretty girl." I could feel myself starting to get aroused.

Turning my head, he pulled me close and kissed me. Hesitantly I kissed
him back. Opening my lips, his tongue slithered into my mouth. Slowly
I started sucking his tongue. With one hand on the back of my head,
and the other, wrapped around my waist, I was powerless to resist. His
hand slowly slid down my side, lightly caressing my knee. I put my
hands around him, kissing him back, sucking his tongue into my mouth.
My arousal was overcoming my fears. My mind was racing, here I was
kissing some guy I just met, dressed up like a typical teenage girl.
It was almost like a dream, I felt just like a girl out on a date,
making out a little. Gently he pushed me back on the couch, his kisses

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