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Backsliding: Tim's Story

She refused to talk to me. I wanted to go to her apartment, but I was afraid. I was alone with nobody to talk to. If I told my problem to some people at CC they'd look down on me. I thought of talking to my ex girlfriend Lyndsey, but I remembered doing the same hurtful things to Lyndsey after learning of her unholy relationship. I was at a loss. Then it hit me. Maggie. If there were anyone that might understand and be able to give me advice it would be her. If the rumors were true she'd experimented with sex for a while now. She couldn't look down on me, at least I hoped not.

After that weeks summer Crusade on Campus meeting I asked Maggie if I could talk to her alone. I needed advice from a person that understood and had been there.

I drove Maggie home to the dorms and we sat in my car and talked. I was nervous as telling her my problem meant letting somebody know that I wasn't perfect. Maggie is a natural beauty. Most guys would kill for a girl like her. She had long dirty blonde hair; she's tall with legs that don't quit. She's got a nice rack and is in awesome shape. She's basically the best looking girl at CC. She'd be the best looking girl in most groups she attended.

"Maggie, I need some advice and at this point you are the only person I can turn to."

"Me? Why me? Aren't there a lot of better people you could talk to?"

"You are the only one who will understand. It's about Janine and I."

"What she wants to kiss you and you are freaking out about that?" laughed Maggie.

"I'm not that much of a prude. At least not anymore. And it is a lot more than a kiss."

"Really? You go Tim. Moving on to second base now, huh? Be honest, the reason you want to talk to me because you think I'm a slut. Right?"

"No, I have no reason to call anyone that anymore. I have heard stuff, and that is why I thought you could help. If I'm wrong, then sorry."

"I'm not saying you are right, but unlike other people I'm not going to judge you and not help. Tell me Tim what is up?"

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