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Both Sides Of The Coin

"I've got an idea."

[Lets flash forward some more, to basically the present moment]

So that's the back story of how I came to find myself standing outside Mike's apartment, listening to the bass thump on the other side of his door. I was petrified over how the night might go.

I was scared, of course, because of our costumes. Jess looked tame--no make up on, wearing my slightly oversized business clothes with her hair up in a bun. I on the other hand, was dressed up, garment-for-garment, in Jess's schoolgirl costume from the previous year.

It was...odd. The clothes pressed on my body in all the wrong ways. Tight in the seat, graspy around my chest, and doing nothing to cover my legs and midriff. Plus I was extremely conscious of my lack of leg, chest, face, and armpit hair. (But where'd all the hair go? You'd be surprised how convincing a woman can be when she's got her hand on your cock. Lesson one for negotiations with a hostile party, fellas: choose your setting wisely).

Jess had spared no effort on the accessory front either--she had my shaggy-ish hair styled as girly as possible, and spent over an hour doing my makeup. Walking out of our apartment I caught myself in the mirror. I wasn't going to fool anyone in daylight, but was struck by the thought that I looked "hot."


The door at the party swung open. Mike, who was half in the bag, stared at me for a moment with confusion. Then a second moment with understanding. Then a third moment with a...different kind of look. This was strange as hell. As a straight guy who had never even thought about other men in my entire life, this last kind of look was unnerving. I knew what Mike was thinking (to the extent that thoughts were being successfully formulated in his head), and it sent a shiver up my spine.

"Hi Mike!" said Jess, breaking the silence. This decidedly feminine voice coming from the "man" of the pair shook Mike enough to realize precisely what he was looking at.

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