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Driving Miss Michele

Wassa turned towards the back seat and smiled at his two accomplices.

"See guys; not only did I find us a new car; I found a nice lady to drive it for us," he laughed.

"Drive bitch!" Stan ordered and tapped Michele on the back of her head with his pistol as encouragement.

"Keep to the fucking speed limit and just go where I tell you," he said.

Michele was in abject terror as she eased her car forward. What the hell were these lunatics doing highjacking a second-hand compact car like hers. Didn't highjackers steal SUVs and prestige cars? Not little Jap compacts! She didn't know if she was more scared by the fact that three armed men had her as a hostage or by the fact that these men would probably soon find out she was a man. What would they do? Where were they taking her? Her mind boiled in turmoil.

"What's the plan then Stan?" Davo asked their leader.

"Well we get this bitch to drive us to the old warehouse and then we get into the other car we got stashed there. It should be pretty safe cause' the cops ain't looking for a woman and this piece of shit is hardly your average getaway car now is it?" Stan said.

"What about the cunt?" Wassa asked; looking intently at Michele.

"We tie her up; then we fuck off and leave her."

Stan leaned forward over the backseat laughed evilly into Michele's ear.

"Hopefully someone will find you before you starve or freeze," he sniggered.

"I can't see too much of her here in the dark Stan but she looks like she might be a sort and she smells great; any chance we can have a go at her before we fuck off?" Wassa asked.

"Now fuck me Wassa; if I say yes this little princess is likely to do something stupid ain't she?"

"And if I say no there's every possibility that even a stupid cunt like her might think that I'm lying." Stan explained.

Stan leaned over the backseat again and pressed his mouth to Michele's ear.

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