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Glory Hole Orgy

A condom package came through the hole followed quickly by his hard uncut dick. I opened the condom and placed it tip first into my mouth. Grabbed is cock with my cigarette free hand and skinned back his foreskin. As I accepted his cock in my mouth I slid the condom over and around his hard love muscle. I took a long drag on my cigarette and let the smoke curl out of my mouth as a swallowed his shaft. Between drags and sucking it took about eight minutes before his cock pulsed and his spunk filled the nipple tip of the condom. I caught the end of the rubber between my teeth and as he with drew his pecker the condom stayed with me.

I drained the liquid from the rubber into my mouth. Then to make sure I got every nasty drop I placed the whole condom in my mouth slowly pulling it back out use my lips like a squeegee to extract every drop. I tossed the used rubber on the floor, freshened my lip gloss and lit another Misty 120. Ten minutes passed and no new meaty sticks appeared, so I figured it was time to check out the theater. I took a wipe from my purse and cleaned cum off my ass where I had sat in it. Pulled my skirt down which barely covered my boy clit, left my panties on the floor and headed for the mini theater.
Three guys leaned against the wall and I gave each of them a big smile as I walked buy headed to check out the action in the theater. Two guys were standing by the door and one opened the door for me and I walked into the room. At the far end sat one old man and even though this room was very dark I could see he was play with is semi erect penis from the light casted by the movie on the television.

I took out another cigarette and as I fumbled in my purse for the lighter a flame light up in front of me. I lit my cigarette looked up at the owned. I was the old man bent over at the waist still stroking his cock with his arm extended so the lighter had reached me. I mouthed the words, “thank you,” he nodded and sat back down. The door to the room opened and closed and one of the guy that had been by the door entered.

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