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I Told You

Tears poured from my eyes as I gasped for my last breath. Large, strong hands took station at my hips as my empty hole again was invaded, this time by hard FLESH. My eyes flashed up toward Skye and her ever-present smirk of mastery. She thoughtfully traced a fingernail under a tear from my cheek as my eyes pleaded to her, “Why?” as the unknown man behind me let out grunts and groans of pleasure while he let me know for the second time this afternoon what a “hot little fuck” I was.

“Dear, dear Tori. You remember Dave don’t you? From my office Christmas party? I told you before not to worry about my sex drive, that I was ‘getting plenty’, didn’t I? After a few weeks of seeing how much you loved being a little sissy getting your pantied bottom filled with cock every night, I knew I couldn’t take that away from you. And Dave was more than happy to fill in,” she giggle knowingly at her pun. “I’m sure you’ll agree that he has quite a piece of equipment there, and don’t lie and say you want us to stop. Now, take your mouth off the toy and tell me what you want.”

“I… I… but…” was all I could manage between Dave’s hard, quickening thrusts.

“Say it, bitch!” But shocked silence was all she received. Then she changed up her strategy.

“Dave, stop fucking the bitch, but stay in her,” she said evenly. Dave complied just as he drove balls deep into me with a hard manly grunt, as I mustered the courage for a reply.

“Now, Tori… tell me what you want… NOW.”

“Please, I don’t want this. I just want to be Tommy. I’m not a bitch, I’m your boyfriend!”

“Quit stalling you little tart. I know how horny you are right now. Besides, even if you really didn’t want to, you have no choice anyway,” she explained, clicking her long nails against the remote in her hand and gesturing it toward a bookshelf In the corner. “Caught on video”, she emphasized much to my horror. I could die right there and let her explain it to the coroner.

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