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Letter To Max, My Online Friend

"Max. Take me to bed."

The music was still playing as your hand led me through to your bedroom. I stood at the door as you disappeared into the dark and switched on the lamp. I must have looked stupid standing there like a rabbit caught in the spot light, so it helped that you came over and took my hands to lead me forward, my knees starting to feel a little wobbly ( but that would have been the wine, right? ). I was so torn by emotions: 'lust' was up there but so was terror, embarrassment and a sudden inability to speak. But it wasn't a time for talk as I watched your hands unbutton those modest buttons and then brush the fabric off my shoulders. It was still warm so that wasn't why I shivered: it was your soft kisses on my neck as you pulled me close again, my naked breasts pressed against you. I clung to you because I didn't want you to see my nakedness and know how incomplete I still am, but I wanted your hands on me. I wished you'd switched off the light but then I wouldn't have seen your lips kissing little circles across first one breast then the other, nor your pink, wet tongue flick over my nipple. Then my knees definitely turned to butter as I stepped out the circle of my dress and lay back on the covers, grabbing a pillow on the way: no free peeking till you've undressed!

Your body is beautiful, dear, sweet Max. There was no need to apologise for the scars not the extra nipple but the prosthetic leg was something of a surprise ;) . I hate you Californians with your permanent tans, which make me feel like so much uncooked pastry.

"So it's true, you do shave. Come here you!" I said, casting the pillow aside as you lay for the first time between my legs and I felt your weight on me. Only my knickers were between us of course, but you knew how I felt and they would come off when I was ready.

Now I had you horizontal, it was my turn to kiss some skin and I started with your face by making a fuss of you, kissing your eyebrows, your nose, your cheeks.

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