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Milking Time Jordan's Arrival

The first girl released her hold on the bands on the side of Tiffany's prick. She also squatted on her knees, and delicately held one of Tiffany's balls in each of her hands as best she could. Fortunately, the skin of Tiffany's scrotal sac helped made the task a little easier. The first girl pulled on the bands harder, making the second opening in the strap somewhat bigger. The second girl pushed both of Tiffany's balls through the opening in the band, and the first girl gently let the band contract and settle around Tiffany's balls. Both girls now moved quietly back to their places on the sides of the chamber with the others, to await Tiffany's commands.
Tiffany moved her hands down to her cock and balls, and massaged them for just a moment, letting the band settle in and adjust next to her skin. Each of the elder shemale amazons had a custom band made for them like this. When the band was wrapped around the base of her cock, as well as around her balls too, Tiffany would experience some of the strongest and intense feelings that were possible, even for an amazon such as herself. She would also produce some of the most powerful ejaculations, both in quantity and quality of her sperm that she was able to.
The mixture that she would produce from her nuts from these conditions would be ideal for the breeding of the new shemales, as well as feeding and maintaining some of the present ones. As Tiffany stroked her cock, and massaged her balls, most of the other girls were too shocked and amazed to do much more than either stare in amazement, or lower their eyes in respect, not knowing quite sure how they should behave.
As Tiffany moved her gaze about the room, she saw Jordan with her head lowered in what most of the girls would take as a gesture of respect. Tiffany could tell though that Jordan had her head raised just enough so that Jordan was staring at her quite intensely, and was making no pretenses at how turned on and horny she was at Tiffany's display of monster meat between her legs. Tiffany met Jordan's gaze briefly, and lifted her eyebrows in a momentary bit of flirting.
"All right girls. I think I'm very satisfied with the job you've done for stage two. Let's get ready and move on to stage three."

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