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"Not MY Type?"

I’d known Kelly for most of my life. Growing up I spent most of my time at her mother’s house. It was a way to escape and avoid my parents constant arguing and fighting. It was a pretty well established fact that Kelly was lesbian early in Junior High School. Her mom and I became quite close as I was rapidly replacing the little girlie daughter she was losing to an ever increasing “butch-ness”.
By twelve years old I essentially become like a member of their family. Over the next few years they had the opportunity to watch me morph from a small frail Christopher into a pretty, petite and very feminine “Chrissie”.
After High School Kelly and I went away to college together and shared a dorm room for a year and then an apartment.
Being like a member of the family of course I was invited to her brother’s wedding. Kelly returned home several days before the wedding to assist her mom with the preparations. I had an important economics exam that week and was going to follow later.
Everything worked out fine and arrived a Kelly’s house the day before the wedding. It was very hectic getting ready for Scott’s nuptials but we still found plenty of time to relate old stories, tell some new ones and of course consume too much alcohol.
The evening prior to the ceremony all the guys in the wedding party took Scott out to give him a hearty send off out of bachelorhood. It was well after One AM and after copious amounts of drinking and smoking I was ready to call it a night. I clumsily made my way up the stairs and prepared to pass out in the guest bedroom. This was a room I’d spent many nights in while growing up.

In my slightly inebriated state I rummaged through my suitcase and managed to find my baby blue mid-thigh length nightgown. It was all satin except for an upper lacy section that covered my breasts. The straps were the thin spaghetti type. I struggled to divest myself of my clothing and laughed to myself at what a spectacle I must be making.

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