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Pregnant Fantasy Come True!

I went most of the day experiencing the joys of being pregnant. But the time for the true test arrived. It was time for me to go into labor. According to the instructions, it said that labor would be induced by means of another enema. Again, Craig had me in the bathroom and was giving me another enema with a small slender nozzle. He then instructed that I get into the tub and put myself in a birthing position. Once I was in that position, my water broke. I began to push as Craig helped me with breathing and giving me encouragement. I felt my pussy start to stretch wider and wider. As the baby crowned through my opening, I moaned from the mixture of pleasure and pain. The whole process lasted over an hour. Until that final push and I felt the baby exit my pussy. Tears of joy ran down my face as Craig dried off the baby and place him in my arms. I couldn’t even begin to tell you all thing this experience had brought me. But I do know it brought Craig and I even closer. And if ever asked if I would like to do it again. My answer would be a definite yes! Maybe next time we might even try for twins!

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