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Pretty Woman

The night before he had crept into his bathroom, spending forty minutes in the shower and meticulously shaving his legs from ankle to groin. The foreign sensation of silk on his newly smooth skin proved just as inflaming to his erection as the drag of the razor last night, and already his cock was threatening to come untucked. Tyler sighed in frustration, and paused in his admiration to hike the skirt up again. He was so focused on making sure everything was tucked in place properly that he didn't even notice the sleek black Mercedes pull up in the driveway, nor the quiet noise of the door downstairs opening and shutting. Satisfied that his aching erection couldn't get free, Tyler straightened up, and froze as he met his sister's eyes in the mirror.

"Oh my God." Emily said faintly as her brother whirled. Tyler swore he felt his heart stop as they stood facing each other for what felt like ages. Terror sucked the floor out from under him, and he honestly wondered if he was going to faint. Emily took a dazed step in, and shut the door behind her quietly. She locked it, then turned slowly back to face him. "Tyler?"

"I'm sorry." he blurted out, fumbling for the right words. She cut him off, though, by crossing the room and pulling him into a tight hug.

"I knew there was something going on, but I didn't want to push." she said in his ear. "Thank God you're just a crossdresser."

"Just a- what is that supposed to mean?" he asked in befuddlement as she pulled back to look at him with a relieved smile.

"I thought you might be, well, on drugs- or suicidal." she said. "Instead you've...just got way too much lipstick on." She pulled a tissue from her purse and blotted at his lips while Tyler was still trying to process what was happening.

"You aren't freaked out?" he finally ventured, and she shook her head.

"Well actually, it was a little, er, shocking. But I'm not freaked out, no. And I'm not going to tell anyone, so don't worry. How long have you been doing this?"

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