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She took her licks getting there,now she loves to do the licking

Then I went back to the hospital to retrieve my cock from cold storage. It came in a thermos-like container full of liquid nitrogen. They told me not to let the cock fall out or it would smash into a thousand pieces, like the roses you've seen dipped in liquid nitrogen and then smashed with a sledgehammer. Although the thought of smashed cock was kinky too, I was careful and got the cock intact to an underground S&M place in California.

I had to smuggle a frozen cock across the border and then smuggle a stuffed cock back in. But as far as the trophy-quality of work, I was more than satisfied. The clandestine taxidermist made it look wonderful. It's fully erect with a nice trim bush of my natural strawberry blonde hair above it and perfect-looking shaved balls below. It's mounted on an all-gold background so I can hang it over my fireplace like a big game head. There's a place for an inscription but I haven't made up my mind on the exact wording yet, especially since the whole affair has now led me to be, biggest surprise of all, a LESBIAN, and a real man-hating bitch at that.

I mean, I LOVE being with hard core women who would gladly cut off every man's cock because that's what we think they deserve. Actually, I don't know if we all think they deserve that but just that we like to trash the symbol of cock as it represents the unfair male domination in the world.

When did my lesbianism start? Right after I brought my stuffed cock home. Being a girl now (not even 30 yet so still a girl I like to think), I have girl parties for lingerie, tupperware, sometimes both at once. The lingerie parties all wind up having the women change in front of the group and usually there is a strong-willed dyke who gets all the women going down on each other as the frenzy builds. I've seen the sales ladies for the lingerie having the most fun of all. I think many chose their jobs so they could travel around and watch women strip and get sexily dressed, and to them hopefully, sexily undressed.

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