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The Meadow Snare

Finally, Jason relented. My bosom throbbed, but I was still alive.

"Alright. Lay her down. On her belly." I slumped in their arms defeated, and they threw me forward onto the ground. I lay still in the grass, having given up. I felt Jason slide my panties off, and I guessed what would follow, but I didn't move nor protest. I just stared into the woods to my right.

It sounded like a distant dream as he spat onto his fingers and said something about my ass. Then I felt his finger, and the world around me came rushing back. I was suddenly aware that I was about to be raped, and now that I had already allowed myself to be made completely vulnerable, I decided that I did want to fight back after all. I tried to push off the ground, I really did. But Jason was on top of me, and my strength had waned since I began taking the androgen blockers. I desperately tried to wriggle my way free, but Jason roughly grabbed my shoulder and hauled me back into position.

"No!" I reached behind me, blindly striking, but Jason just laughed at my weak blows. I tried to get on my side, but Jason merely pushed me back onto my stomach again. I tried kicking my legs, to no avail. I tried everything, but He was big, and I was small, and I had let myself, in my tormented stupor, to be trapped by his weight. So I would pay the price for my stupidity.

"What's the matter, Jenny? Just gonna take your virginity is all. Gonna make you a woman. My woman." He whispered the last two words in my ear as he unbuckled his belt. I thrashed about helplessly, but his weight anchored me to the ground and he unzipped his fly.

"Stop! No, no, no, no, no. Don't do this. Don't rape me, please!" I whined, all dignity forgotten. The boys stood by, watching the spectacle, hungrily waiting for their turns. Then I felt him. He rested himself against my anus, and I clamped down reflexively. "My god." Those were the last words I whispered before he plunged into me.

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