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Whores and Pimps - Part I

It would be easy to think up some trashy name to use at the party; everyone wore nametags at the party and they were usually the same absurd double entendres you heard on bad British comedies. Names such as: 'Sir Shagsalot,' 'Baron Ivor Bigun' and 'Princess Swallows' had been some of the more ridiculous names used by partygoers last year. He wanted a name that he could use at the party and that he could keep forever as his own secret name for when he crossdressed. He thought about it for a few days and finally decided on a name.

He wanted a first name close to his male first name, but not so close that it was obvious; and his crossdressing had originally started out as a fetish for panties and hosiery; so the name came to him in an inspiration. He played with the name Melanie for a while but decided that it was too close to his real male name. He settled on Michele; Michele with one L, because it was a little bit different. Malcolm decided his fem name would be Michele Nylons.

By the time the day of the party arrived Malcolm had made all of the many arrangements required of him as the organiser. The venue was the small function room of one of the cheaper city hotels, the catering, drinks and entertainment were part of the venue's package; the firm paid for the party but they didn't lend themselves to extravagance; after all the party was just really an excuse to dress up stupidly, get drunk and let off steam. Also the firm's thirty or so employees preferred the venue to be at one of the cheaper hotels because, as most of them and their partners got drunk at the party, they usually rented hotel rooms at the venue.

The previous weekend Malcolm had called his sister on Friday evening and explained to her about the party and his need to dress up as a whore for the theme; he then went on to clarify why he needed to look as realistic as possible because he was the host and organiser it was expected oh him, and begged her for her help. He went on to say that he had some ideas as to how he wanted to look and that he had even got hold of some pictures off the internet to help him decide how he should look.

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