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Witch Chronicles

My captor said, "Sir, is that wise? With the meta-generator there-"
Kerrigan turned on his subordinate with an angry look, and without so
much as a word of warning, the man exploded in a blast of light.
Kerrigan turned his gaze on me, muttered some words and all knowledge
of the past few seconds was wiped from my mind.

A few seconds later, another man came in. Kerrigan told him to bring
me to the White House. He attached a chain to my collar and escorted
me from the building. I was driven, this time in the car, to the
White House. I was brought into some meeting room, forced to my
knees, and then he put the chain down beside me.

After he left, I tried to move the chain, but it wouldn't budge. I
heard, "It's useless. The chain bonds to whatever surface it touches
and won't release except by the mental command of a dark sorcerer who
holds it."

I turned my head and saw President Bruce Harding. Physically he
looked basically the same, except for the enormous pair of breasts on
his chest. He was also wearing a dress. Unlike me, he wasn't real
feminine, he just looked like a guy with tits in a dress. He came
around and sat in front of me. He asked, "I understand you've been
offered a place in the new order but you turned it down. I don't
suppose I could, as your Commander-in-chief, order you to join?"

"I'm sorry, sir, but judging from your current physical state, I can
only assume you're under the magical control of the Dark Alliance."

"I thought as much, but for the record, I'm not under their control."
He reached down and picked up the chain as though it weren't attached
to anything but my collar. "I'm one of them."

"You've joined them? How could you betray your country?"

"Wise up, soldier. Democracy has been a nice game, but it's a failed
system. Good laws get mired in congressional bureaucracy, or some
politician thwarts it because he's paid to, or simply because he
doesn't want somebody he disagrees with to get credit for something
he couldn't come up with. Most Americans don't even bother
exercising their right to vote. It's time for a new order, with a
single person in charge making people accept what's best. My wife
showed me that."

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